Saturday, January 7, 2012

Assassin's Creed Lineage - Complete Movie

Assassin's Creed Lineage - Complete Movie

When the Duke of Milan is brutally murdered, the Assassin Giovanni Auditore is dispatched to investigate. The answers he uncovers implicate Italy's most powerful families reaching all the way back to the Vatican itself. As Giovanni draws closer to the truth, he becomes hunted himself. He must expose the conspirators before he joins their ever growing list of victims. Lineage is the prequel to the Assassin's Creed II story, revealing the machinations of 15th century Italy through the actions of Ezio's father, Giovanni. Episode # 1: 1476, Florence. Giovanni Auditore, an assassin, attempts to thwart a conspiracy against one of Lorenzo de Medicis allies. The ensuing inquiry will take him to Milan where he tries to prevent the worst from happening.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Assassin's Creed Lineage - Complete Movie

22 komentar:

  1. noahhhhhhhhhhhhhh85January 7, 2012 at 5:34 PM

    the assassin is ezio's father

  2. @TheJMaster1996 i thought Ezio was a very handsome man. he wouldn't tap a dead guard from firenze

  3. why ezio are the only different character in this movie..

  4. Funny how Youtube is trying to make people pay 4 bucks to watch this.

  5. 13:25 necrophilia...

  6. really he is an assassin shouldnt he know better than to pull out the knife youve been stabbed with?

  7. oh. i thought it was 65:)

  8. @milks2011 he dies at 65

  9. @ColeMD17

  10. your coming with my fatso

  11. @italianyownage11 you didnt pay attention in ac2 did you...

  12. @DIGITALXxXDRAGON ezio dies at age 62 just sayin

  13. @Pyro3060 yes ezio has a son and daughter

  14. @Shintenzu they all look the same because their genes are being passed down with extreme detail. this is also why desmond has the same scar as ezio from when he was hit with the rock.

  15. @doro666 this movie takes place a couple days before ac2 ezio is 17 in this film

  16. @MrSprinkles175 if you really didnt seethe hidden blade get broken at the end of the movie you need to pay better attention...

  17. @TheXDUDEXD the library your refering to is in the castle where altair recieves his missions. thats just a library. Altairs library is under masayaf but is not built until after he becomes mentor so it doesnt actually exist in AC1

  18. @nsoptazari forgot to say that if you have any other questions just ask and i will do my best to anwser. i have beaten all the games and seen both mini movies

  19. @nsoptazari ezio i just a messenger for desmond because desmond needs to see what is inside altairs apple of eden in order to save the world. Ezio says that he can not use it properly because he will be dead long before the info can actually be used for its purpose. Also the reason ezio knows about desmond is because at the end of AC2 the goddness minerva says desmonds name.

  20. @sourlemon83 altair isnt holding an apple at the end you dumb ass he is holding a relic engrained with his last memory the apple is on a hidden pedestel behind his chair... if your gonna give away the ending atleast get it right.

  21. if your headphones are too loud at the begining that bird really hurts. XD

  22. CommanderMattShepardJanuary 8, 2012 at 2:37 AM

    @hopeswings007 actual movie on DVD
